DART+West Project
Deadline for submissions extended to 6th. October. Following representations made by the Dart West Community Coalition and others, Irish Rail have extended the deadline for submissions to 6th October.
Irish Rail and the National Transport Authority (NTA) plan to extend the Dart electrified rail line to Maynooth and M3 Parkway as well as upgrade and expand existing Dart lines from Greystones to Drogheda. The work on the new line is expected to begin in 2021 and be completed by 2025.
The proposals have been broadly welcomed by residents and political representatives, which will see an increase in passenger capacity and shorter commute times. According to Irish Rail, the Dart West+ expansion will see:
- The DART+ West project will increase passenger capacity from approximately 5000 to 13200 passenger per hour by utilising new DART trains and lengthening existing diesel trains, operating at increased service frequency (i.e. 6 existing to 12 proposed trains per hour)
- Reduction of carbon emissions and support growing communities, business and future development with high-quality integrated public transport service in line with Government policy including the National Planning Framework and Climate Action Plan
However, residents across Dublin 15 have also voiced concerns about the potential impact of a number of proposals that Irish Rail and the NTA say are necessary these include:
- The closure of all level crossings from Connolly to Maynooth leading to redirected traffic through housing estates.
- The felling of numerous mature trees and the elimination of green spaces.
- The disconnecting of Communities.
For more detailed information click on Irish Rail’s Link:-
Have your say about how you feel by making a submission before 6th October.