
The list of tradespeople given below is based on the residents’ own experience, and only people who have been recommended by the residents are on the list. The list can be used as a source for people looking to get work done. The Delwood Residents Association advises people to get multiple quotes for any work that they need, and ensure that they get references and also to use the web to do their own searches. If you have a trade to recommend submit it here by clicking on “Contact” enter details and send. It will then be added to the list. Thank you.

NameTrade/Work TypeLocationContact #1Contact #2
Patrick McEnteeWardrobes & KitchensSlide Storage, Unit 9, Coolmine Industrial Estate08619299928235879
Declan McCaghyCarpetsCoolmine Industrial Estate  
Frank MurphyFixes Washing Machines 0872586758 
Peter DowneyBuilder207 Delwood Lawn  
RDC PavingPavingClondalkin  
Nuhaus LtdBuildersDublin 15  
Michael CarterKitchensUnit 11/12 Shanowen Rd. Whitehall08615523718429344
Michael SmithVarious Small Jobs 087912 2902 
David RedmondWindows and DoorsRosenallis, Co. Laois(057) 8628770 
Roofer BenRoof Repairs Local0872575674 
LukeWindow, Carpets and Gutter cleaning  0860536232
Dermot McArdleGarden MaintenanceLaurel Lodge086 3770785 (Text only – Dermot is deaf)  
Tom O’ConnorInternal Insulation 0872463454 
ProCleanGutter CleaningDublin 15085 185 5855
Lacey LocksmithsFull Range of ServicesClonsilla Rd.0892341562 (Harry)01 9012666
Philip MartynPM Electrical Services 085115355001 6895847
Oven, hob or extractor fan etc cleaned.Dublin085 109
Willie ClarkPainterLocal 086 8755440
Ricky HughesWindow CleanerLocal086 838 1658
Mark, CompubaseComputer & Laptop Repairs24 Bramley Way D15
Daragh KeoghComputer & Laptop Repairs120 Delwood
Luke’s Window & Carpet CleaningLocal086 053 6232Facebook Page
Ben HartiganHartek Roofing Contractors1 Riversdale Grove DN 20087 2575674; 626 0925Facebook Page
McMahon & NagleWindows & Doors InstallerSwords, Dublin(01) 846
Keane WindowsWindows & Doors InstallerLucan, Dublin(01) 620
Global Home Improvements
Windows & Doors InstallerDublin Industrial Estate, Dublin 11 (01) 830 8811https://glob
Michael DayPlumbing & HeatingLocal087 053 5429
VM BathroomsBathroom RenovationsLocal085 850 8870 (Victor)
DarrenDGF Heating & Plumbing North Dublin087 417 4146
S&R Services
All Aspects of Property Maintenance & RepairsDublin0874896429sauliusstasaitis74@
The Appliance ManAppliance RepairDublin01 401 5035
Frank “Dishwasher”Dishwasher RepairsLocal087 258 6758